MFPRSI. Municipal Fire & Police Retirement System of Iowa


At scheduled dates each year the members of the Board of Trustees and administration along with the System's legal counsel, investment consultant, and periodically its actuarial consultant, meet in open session to conduct the business of the Board of Trustees.

During each year the Board of Trustees performs the following: 1) reviews the benefit, disability, administrative, legislative and investment activities of the plan, 2) discusses issues pertaining to the administration of the plan, 3) adopts an annual budget and policies for the plan, 4) renders decisions in contested cases, and 5) evaluates the activities of the investment program, including the investment managers and the custodial bank. A written record (a.k.a., "minutes") is maintained for each meeting and is ratified by the voting members at the following meeting.

Provided for public review below are the ratified minutes of recent Board of Trustee meetings.


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