MFPRSI. Municipal Fire & Police Retirement System of Iowa


Employer Forms

Please utilize these forms to properly enroll new employees with MFPRSI. It is preferable to type the information on the form, but you may also handwrite the information on the form and submit.

The following form describes how members' earnings may affect their Social Security benefit in the event they are eligible to receive a Social Security benefit in retirement. The form describes both the Windfall Elimination Provision and the Government Pension Offset Provision.

Please utilize these forms to notify MFPRSI of changes concerning your employees who are enrolled in the retirement system.

In order to help us keep accurate records, please notify us when a member leaves the city’s employment. Please complete the form below, Termination Notification Form, for each member terminating employment and mail or fax this form to us at your earliest convenience.

Use the form linked below to aid employees in applying for disability benefits.


MFPRSI will contact the member and inform them of their options regarding the Chapter 411 plan.